Lucia LiCavoli, PhD

630 330-4191
Insurance Accepted:
I'm a Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO provider.
I will submit claims to most Major insurance companies for clients with other PPO Plans (not HMO's).
NOTE: If you are using an insurance other than Blue Cross, your copay or coinsurance payment will likely be lower if you choose a therapist who is in your insurance network.
I am Dr Lucia Teresa LiCavoli, a clinical psychologist who has been in private practice 30 years, after completing my doctorate (Ph.D) at Northwestern University Graduate Medical School and internship at University of Chicago Hospitals. I weave classical and contemporary approaches together in order to help people gain perspective on who they are, why they function as they do, and also to help them to heal wounds that bind them to unwanted symptoms and patterns of behavior.
Generally speaking, the perspective shifts that people experience are often born of the talking in psychotherapy, while the healing often comes from the experiential therapies which literally help you have a different ‘embodied experience’ in the office. Having a different experience, or imagining a different experience, helps your brain and muscles create pathways to this new understanding or behavior, so that over time, it becomes more natural to adopt the new perspective or new behavior.
In this way, I help clients renegotiate their traumas - be they personal, collective, cultural, sexual or spiritual - I help clients expand their capacity to work with early childhood experiences, perceived flaws, body image and illness, moods, relationships, work, lineage (epigenetics), and if it speaks to them, their spirit. Through this work, I help my clients create and experience peace. There is no recipe for this work, it is born from the combination of client and practitioner, and guided by years of education and clinical experience.
Modalities utilized:
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Mindfulness and meditation
Somatic Experiencing
Internal Family Systems Model
My work is also informed by my training in couples therapy, attachment theory, perinatal trauma and cognitive behavioral therapy.
I offer individual therapy with teens through older adults, and occasionally include their significant others when appropriate.