Julia Liebich, ND, DC

Contact Me
(712) 883-0525
email: drliebich@ourself.care
website: www.ourself.care
Insurance accepted
(BCBS HMO only when referred by PCP
and Public Aid if through BCBS).
Cash rates are offered for clients in other insurance networks
Dr. Julia Liebich (pronounced Lee-bick) is a Naturopathic Doctor registered with the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice and a licensed Chiropractor in the state of Illinois. She completed her doctorates at National University of Health Sciences, and a three-year residency in Family Practice, as well as a Master’s Degree in Advanced Clinical Practice. During her residency, she worked under medical doctors, naturopaths and chiropractors in private practice, and additionally completed clinical rotations at Northwestern University Center for Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Liebich spent five years at National University of Health Sciences holding positions of Chief Clinician, Attending Clinician, and Instructor. Prior to moving back to the Chicagoland area and starting her practice, Ourself Care, within Estuary Center, Dr. Liebich worked in naturopathic private practice at Balanced Care, a part of Revive Wellness Center in Minnesota.
She especially enjoys working with children and their famillies, and has a practice focus in Functional Medicine, Women’s Health, Autoimmune Conditions, Mental Emotional stressors, Gastrointestinal complaints, and Adrenal / Thyroid disorders. She has additional training in acupuncture, dry needling and myofascial techniques.
Growing up in rural Wisconsin instilled within me a love for nature and adventure. Whether I am packing up my two young children to attend my sister’s art show in Mexico City, heading to the Alaskan wilderness to explore with my brother and his family, or simply discovering a new neighborhood park – adventuring and travel is part of my soul.
My quest for natural solutions began with the catastrophic end of my collegiate running career. As an athlete, I struggled with chronic stress fractures and eventually fractured my pubic bone. After a lack of answers from medical specialists, I was forced to search on my own for the underlying cause, which ultimately lead me to a career in Naturopathic and Chiropractic Medicine.
Some happenings in life, however, are unexpected. The sudden death of my husband in 2019 opened a rawness and depth that was beyond my imagination. Through this tragedy, I continue to gain perspective to positively impact and connect to the experiences of others. We all have a story and I am here to bring strength, hope, and health to yours.
Naturopathic medicine is built upon the foundation of our body’s wonderfully innate ability to heal itself. Ailments are intertwined on a physical, mental, emotional, and environmental level. They should not be separated. My ambition is to guide you to the underlying cause of your health concerns, providing the tools to lead you to wholeness, independence, and happiness. After all, the only way out is through! I look forward to partnering with you on your journey…
Naturopathic Doctor: Minnesota Board of Medical Practice
Doctor of Chiropractic: Illinois Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Registered Acupuncturist: Illinois Board of Chiropractic Examiners